Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saving eBook's on the iPod Touch/iPhone

There's no doubt that the iPhone and iPod Touch are fun and elegant toys to own. While there has been some criticism on saving documents that don't originate from itunes. There are numerous ways to import your documents to itunes, iphoto and mail.

A major factor into purchasing the iPod touch was its ability to display eBook's (pdf's). While it is not quite that simple as there is no PDF software available and no way of saving the document.

The solution to saving eBook's on the iPod Touch:

When you are viewing a PDF document on your computer (Adobe reader/Preview etc).

Click > Print.

At the bottom left of the print screen you will see a 'PDF' box. Click on the box and a list of options for saving the document as a pdf come up.

Somewhere down the list you will see the option to 'Save as PDF for iPhoto.'

It will take a short time to convert, meanwhile you can open iPhoto.

When converted a small box will come up from iPhoto asking you to import your PDF and where. Create a separate folder for each PDF you upload otherwise they will all save together.

When you next sync your iPod Touch, upload the chosen folder from iPhoto and bingo you have an eBook saved on your iPod!

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